Mayfield Television Trading (CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Trading Status: CLOSED

Contact email:

Welcome to the Mayfield Television Trading site. I'm Mayfield, just some dude who lives around the Southern United States. I've recently got into the trading circuit and am interested in all kinds of old off-air television recordings. Looking to expand to my collection as well as help you expand yours. So if you're interested in a trade, come hit me up!

Click on the links below to see genre/styles of shows I have:

Before you contact me, please refer to the rules below:

  1. I will not trade for cash (which is very illegal) nor will I trade for blank discs, tapes or that stuff. If you want something from me, I expect something substantial in return.
  2. Any number of hours you trade with me, I’ll give an equal amount. Like for example, you give me five hours worth of material, I’ll give you five back.
  3. Don’t hit me up with requests first, telling me you want this or that. Show me you’re interested in a trade and let me see what you have before I see if I’d be willing to trade with you.
  4. Please note I can only digital trades via Google Drive for the time being. I might open up to where I can do physical trades via VHS or DVD sometime. But for right now, digital for me only.
  5. Yes, I do allow cross-trades! If you want like a sitcom, sports broadcast and a game show within one trade, don't be afraid to include it in your request. Variety is the spice of life, as they say.

While I might not have the biggest collection now, these people have helped me make it what it currently is. Check out these people here.